When even geeks call you a geek…

“Sigurd> a sprite is anything not static
<SRElysian> a sprite is a variable object                                                                                                                                                                          <SRElysian> be it 2d or 3d
<TorMuck> a sprite is a fu**ing soda
<TorMuck> you god damn geeka*s bastards”

 in www.bash.org (#14258)


A couple of days ago Iwas talking to a friend, describing to him the different games we played at our RPG retreat and I mentioned “Dust Devils”.  He didn’t know the game and I told him it was an indie game. “It’s a what game?” was his response. At that moment, every single conversation I witnessed between my husband and any RPG player not familiar with The Forge or with RPG theory discussions, became different in my mind. We’re the créme de la créme of Geekdom! Even geeks think we’re geeky! 🙂

Actually they find my husband geeky, I’m only considered guilty by association. However, a lot of what I deemed strange or odd events, were suddenly  much easier to explain. Empty looks and blank stares from people I had labeled as ultimate geeks, now had a context. Worse… I’m becoming more of a geek myself, than I ever deemed possible… 😉


About Ana Carrilho

I'm a portuguese forty-year-old wife of a gamer geek. I'm also a buddhist, the mother to a beautiful toddler girl and like to think of myself as something of a craft artist.
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1 Response to When even geeks call you a geek…

  1. Elora says:

    Crème de la crème!

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